lauantai 26. heinäkuuta 2008

Cruiser dead, resurrection in progress

Yep. Two days ago our Cruiser died totally, stopped moving, starter stopped working and blue'n'black smoke came from under dash board. Fifteen minutes later horn started to shout out of nowhere. Well, problem is that Juha took fuse away from horn 1½ months ago... / days before start this kind difficulties can take man down...

Ok, massive flow of diesel just after gas pump caused that no fuel reached the engine.
-Fixed that-
Wire dropped from the starter b/c of many starting episodes.
-Fixed that-
Burning smoke under the dash board.
Two wires behind fuse box connected together, causing the smoke.
-Fixed that-
Horn shouting like hell.
-Thrown on the fields of Kauriala- (Fixed that)

Few nights to go, fever is rising...
Car packing starts 8 hours from this moment and i got 2 nights left in Hämeenlinna...

So, friend of mine, come and see me tomorrow, i'm workin @Krouvi, coz next time available is 7-8 weeks / 13 years from here...

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